Friday, October 30, 2009

Lonesome Note

Anne informed us that Brown Dog was spotted at a nearby park, and what do we find?

It looks as if Brown Dog has left a note, and an old picture of better times remembered. Since humans are unable to read K-9, I will let Miss Gracie interpret the wise words Brown Dog has left us with.

Remember humans, reading K-9 is much like reading ancient, Egyptian hieroglyphics. Except K-9 mostly consist of squiggly lines and triangles, much harder to interpret for most. Lets begin:

To former, and maybe current friends,

I have decided to return to the home country of Treviso, Italy. There are many Brown Dogs in Treviso, it is a place where Brown Dogs can run free. Also, I shamefully embezzled three thousand bones worth of Charlee Bears, straight from Mr. Shadowcaster's stash. I just have an insatiable appeitite for those things, only three calories, come on! I hope this letter finds you and your shadows a quick reuinion."

Brown Dog...

All we can do is look to the heavens, and hope this letter appeases Mr. Shadowcaster. Until then, stop by Monday morning and see how our Halloween bash turns out. In the mode of party we shall defeat our sorrow.

Benny "The Tank"

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