Monday, December 13, 2010

No Sugar Plums?

Thanksgiving came and Thanksgiving went,

Now Christmas shall come before I can vent.

Holiday seasons both far and away, bring not only joy but also dismay.

Many don't see the shadows at bay,

But a Shi-Tzu can sense that a fight is on the way.

Neither winter nor spring will shy these shadows away.

The words that come forth may be created in dreams,

Dreams that forewarn the chaos that shall be.

Before I awake and gather my foes,

I am blessed with a vision filled with only peace and no woes.

Water and fire, birds with loud chirps, can these earthly things bring peace to my sleep.

So take a look for yourself, deep in my dreams,

And maybe you'll see the peace that could be.

Benny "The Tank"

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